Project at 529 Broadway Wins Excellence Awards

Kenneth “Ken” Hart has been a leader in New York, NY’s real estate development sphere for two decades, and has been the recipient of many honors and awards throughout his successful career. Just two years after Kenneth Hart co-founded Veracity Partners in 2017, the company had already worked on a number of award-winning projects in New York City, including 529 Broadway.

Veracity Partners collaborated with BKSK Architects to create 529 Broadway, a unique commercial building in the heart of New York’s SoHo district. This six-story structure sits on the site of the historic Prescott House, a large and ornate hotel that was mostly demolished in 1935. The new building has an innovative glass curtain wall that honors the hotel’s original design and tells some of the district’s architectural history as it wraps around the block. 529 Broadway won a 2019 Engineering Excellence Gold Award in 2019 in Category C: Structural Systems, as well as several other design awards in 2017.

To learn more about 529 Broadway, please visit

The NYC Brownfield Partnership Awards

Economic growth graph Photo by M. B. M. on Unsplash
Economic growth graph Photo by M. B. M. on Unsplash

Kenneth Hart has overseen operations at Veracity Partners, a full-service real estate development firm in New York, NY, since co-founding the business in 2017. Kenneth “Ken” Hart has spent nearly two decades as an industry leader with Veracity Partners (among other companies), during which time he has received a number of honors and awards.

In 2014, Mr. Hart’s work with a New York City home builder resulted in the Big Apple Brownfield Economic Development Award. Established by the NYC Brownfield Partnership as a way of highlighting exceptional economic achievements over the course of brownfield redevelopment projects and cleanup efforts, the award highlights initiatives that have a positive impact on the surrounding communities. The annual economic development honor is announced at a networking and awards event that also recognizes extraordinary work in areas of green building, innovation, sustainable remediation, and additional award categories. Numerous awards have been designed to honor projects and groups that benefit the community, including the Community Outreach Award and the Supportive and Affordable Housing Award.

The Big Apple Brownfield Distinguished Service Award is used to recognize individuals who have influenced the region’s brownfield redevelopment scene, such as Jody Kass, executive director and co-founder of New Partners for Community Revitalization, and Jane O’Connell, NYSDEC chief of superfund and brownfield cleanup.

To learn more about the organization and its awards program, please visit

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